If you’re like some real estate agents you are struggling to get things going or to keep them going. You have a breakdown somewhere in your business and things just not where you want them. You keep adding things to your business hoping it will make a change, but some time has past and nothing has improved. In today’s episode I’m going to break down the three challenges that could be breaking down your business.
Take the 21 Day Conversion Challenge at www.agentrisecoaching.com/challenge
And connect with me on ANY of the following social channels. I LOVE social!
If you’re like some real estate agents the thought of dialing for dollars makes you sick. You know, the agent that sells a bazillion houses a year because he or she spends 3-5 hours a day “prospecting”, and calls and calls and calls. You know what I’m talking about, right!? Well if you have ever said, “that’s good for them, but that’s not me.” Then this episode is for you.
Take the 21 Day Conversion Challenge at www.agentrisecoaching.com/challenge
And connect with me on ANY of the following social channels. I LOVE social!
If you’re like most real estate agents staying in touch with a buyer to the day they are ready to buy can be difficult. We know the fruit is in the followup, but we often lack the system in doing so. Drip campaigns are great, but when your email goes to spam your email does no good. Then add the fact that the average buyer meets seven agents before they buy, how do we assure we’re the agent they hire when they buy their house? Today we are going to cover this and I’m going to present you with a challenge.
Today we are going to talk about coming up with a followup plan that helps you close more deals every year. I’m also going to present a challenge to you. I’ll tell you all about it but first...Why do we struggle with following up with people and staying in close contact with them until they are ready to buy?
We are sleeping in the harvest and I want to help put an end to this. I want to help you convert more leads and have an idea to start a conversion challenge. I want to help you get 3 accepted offers in 21 days. One a week! I want to help you form a habit.
Take the 21 Day Conversion Challenge at www.agentrisecoaching.com/challenge
And connect with me on ANY of the following social channels. I LOVE social!
And connect with me on ANY of the following social channels. I LOVE social!
If you’re like most agents I talk with they are overwhelmed by knowing what to say and when to say it. They feel they need to have the right script for every moment. Now don’t get me wrong, having a script is great, but when it burdens you to remember it so much that you won’t step out because you’re afraid you’ll mess it up. Then at that point, the script complicates things too much and begins to work against you. And that’s when I feel we over complicate things. Not only do I feel we do that with scripts, but I feel we do that with a lot of other things in this business. We’re going to unpack those today.
And connect with me on ANY of the following social channels. I LOVE social!